Crazy Frog

Did you ever Come across this Creature ??
Can you find some connection between these three pics

Story of ‘Crazy frog’ a famous Caller tone and animation character took inspiration from a two stroke powered car called Trabant from VEB Sachsenring..Crazy Frog, originally known as The Annoying Thing, is a computer-animated character created in 2003 by Erik Wernquist. Marketed by the ringtone provider Jamba! (later known as Jamster!), the animation was originally created to accompany a sound effect produced by Daniel Malmedahl in 1997 while attempting to imitate the sound of a Trabant, the East-German car powered by a two-stroke engine.
In 1997, 17-year-old student Daniel Malmedahl recorded himself impersonating the noises produced by internal combustion engines. He posted this on a website and caught the attention of a Swedish television researcher, who convinced Daniel to perform the sound live on air. After it debuted on television, recordings of his performance began appearing on file sharing networks and various websites under the filename "2TAKTARE.MP3" ("Tvåtaktare" is Swedish for "Two stroker"). The sound was adopted as the sound of a formula one car as early as 2001 in the form of "Deng Deng Form" and later "The Insanity Test" both of which were a static background of a Ferrari Formula One car accompanied by the sound. However the sound was later adopted as that of a motorcycle for its most well known format.

In late 2003, fellow Swede Erik Wernquist encountered the sound effect and, not knowing about the previous incarnations of the sound, was inspired to create the 3D animated character he named "The Annoying Thing" to accompany it.

The animation was a popular attraction at Erik's website, but the sound was credited to "Anonymous". Eventually, word reached Daniel that his impressions had been used in a now well-known animation. He contacted Erik, apparently giving an impromptu performance to confirm his claims. Erik was convinced, and gave credit to Daniel for his creation

1 comment:

  1. This is something great din't know that there was such a story behind crazy frog....!!! its a great video worth watching a million times one of my fav...!!!
